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The Flowers of Pāramitā 彼岸花


Teoh Kooi Pei



Penang, Malaysia


Charcoal Ink & Antiseptic Solution on Rice Paper

150cm (w) x 100cm (h)

3 paintings in a series



Exhibited in year 2021

I will always be reminded of the flowers of Pāramitā during a time full of condolences. It is said that Mandarava and Manjusaka - the flowers of Pāramitā are representing the calls of heaven and the infernal respectively. They live along the way to the infernal, they are the memories of the soul before they were reincarnated. We will be a flower eventually; we can never know about our origin and future but we never forget to bloom and leave a trace among the endless chaos.

彼岸花 The Flowers of Pāramitā_edited_edited_edited.jpg
彼岸花 The Flowers of Pāramitā_edited.jpg

“The Lotus Sutra – Chapter 1”

At that time the Bhagavat was respectfully surrounded by the fourfold assembly (i.e., monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen), paid homage, honored, and praised. He then taught the bodhisattvas the Mahayana sutra called Immeasurable Meanings (Mahānirdeśa), the instruction for the bodhisattvas and the treasured lore of the buddhas. After having taught this sutra, the Buddha sat cross-legged, entered the samādhi called the “abode of immeasurable meanings” (ananta-nirdeśa-pratiṣṭhāna) and remained unmoving in both body and mind. Māndārava and great māndārava flowers, manjūṣaka and great manjūṣaka flowers then fell like rain from the sky, scattering upon the Buddha and all of his attendants.




Everything visible or invisible to the unaided eye interacts all the time and leaves traces inevitably. The trace could be a colour, a substance, or even symptoms of infection. Inspired by an image of viruses from the microscope, I tried to paint them through “interactions”. The moment of interaction was captured when the rice paper was laid after pouring the Chinese ink and “Dettol” antiseptic solution (the material we have used very often recently) on a glass surface.

I will always be reminded of the flowers of Pāramitā during a time full of condolences. It is said that Mandarava and Manjusaka - the flowers of Pāramitā are representing the calls of heaven and the infernal, respectively. They live along the way to the infernal, they are the memories of the soul before they were reincarnated. We will be a flower eventually; we can never know about our origin and future, but we never forget to bloom and leave a trace among the endless chaos.




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